The following have been deduced from Spiegel articles.
"Wenn man Prostatatumoren untersucht, muss man natürlich mit Männchen arbeiten, bei Eierstocktumoren mit Weibchen."
Prostatatumor(en) - prostate tumor
Eierstocktumor(en) - ovary tumor. I think.
"If one examines prostate tumors, he must of course work with males, as one does ovary tumors with females."
"Islamischer Gelehrter will Weihnachten verbieten"
verbieten - to condemn, forbid, ban
Now it could mean that Islam teachers want to allow Christmas, but under the context of this quote in the article, "Kirchen dürfen keine Kreuze mehr tragen. Kirchenglocken dürfen auch nicht mehr läuten." for "Churches may no longer carry crosses. Church bells may no longer ring.", I think it's fairly clear what the context is.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
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