Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010

Okay, I really, really have to write this one because it's funny. I am reading Die Kinder der Gral (kindly loaned to me by the Alpen Club), and there is a funny word I found--it helped that I found a similar word to it previously. The word came from a flash game online, and it was "Furzkissen" for whoopee-cushion (Furz + Kissen; Furz = fart, Kissen = pillow). If that wasn't funny enough, I found Furzwolke (and we previously found wolke, which makes that a fart cloud.) The context was an irritation that lingers like a fart cloud. I'll try to get the original sentence when I get home.

EDIT: It says, "Der Erzbischof verließ den Platz, sein Ärger hing ihm nach wie eine Furzwolke." For "The archbishop left the place, his annoyance hung after him like a fart cloud."

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