(The following have been deduced from Illusion of Time and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.)
Es geschieht alle 800 Jahre.
It appears every 800 years. (In which I find another example where "geschieht" means appears. Or come. I should find more.)
Wir erlebten den Untergang des Inka-Reiches.
We lived (through) the destruction of the Incan empire. (In which another example suggests "Untergang" to mean the end of something.)
überbleibsel --> "remnant" (notice the root for "bleiben", to stay.)
Hass --> hate (the noun from hassen)
Eingang = entrance (I wonder if the "Zugang" I saw before was "exit". I have forgotten.)
Du bist sehr hartnäckig!
You are very...(what? Annoying, perhaps? Probably another one of those interesting words.)
schenken --> to give (as a present) --> Geschenk; a present
berühren --> to touch
Sieger --> "champion" (I have heard "Gewinner" though, but probably closer to "winner". Then there's Siegerehrung. In the English script, it's "award ceremony".)
Kiste = chest
Aber ich werde nicht aufgeben!
But I would not give up! (Another example where "give up" appears. It's not quite the same word though as I found in a previous example.)
Zwergen = thumb (perhaps?)
Schrein = shrine
langsam = slow (well...it was the word on the far left of the text-speed option.)
Viel besser! Wenn ich hier oben bin, kannst du mir nicht mehr davonlaufen.
Much better! If I am over here, you cannot run from me anymore. (I have considered "oben" to be "up" because given the context, it makes more sense. Will try to find more examples.)
zackizacki! (some kind of interjection?) "Los, auf geht's, zackizacki!"
solange --> "So long (as)" (perhaps...I'll find more examples.)
Wenn ich dabei bin, kannst du dort so klein werden wie ein Minish!
If I am "around", you can be small as a Minish! ("bei" means "at", so I figured "dabei" was a similar word; it's been pointed out to me that "werden" doesn't mean "become", but there aren't really a lot of other things this can be, besides "to be". I'm not saying it's a literal translation of English necessarily, only that you could use this word idiomatically to mean the same thing. In fact, the English script of this line is not literal at all. Particularly when...)
Um wieder groß zu werden, drückst du erneut R.
To be big again, press R. (and in idiomatic English, you could take the verb to be "become".)
Wenn du groß bist, ist es eine kleine Pfütze, wenn du klein bist, ein Meer.
If you are big, it is small puddles, if you are small, a sea. (Where I learn that Pfütz is a puddle. At least I think that's the singular form.)
Eeile = hurry (which confirms my speculations about the verb, eeilen.)
hausen = to house, settle (ie; to make a home there--> Haus = house)
greifen = to grab
ziehen = to pull
schieben = to push
Fass = barrel
"in der Lage" (I suppose this is sort of like saying "in the league". I have seen it used in places where it indicates someone or something at a level that is able to do something.)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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