Sunday, July 25, 2010

July 25, 2010

The following have been deduced from Apollo Justice. Unfortunately, because it doesn't work so well on the emulator, I couldn't take any screenshots. I can describe the context in which I found them though.

Zurückgezogen - reclusive, shy (or something similar. Literally means "taken back".)
Was used in the context to describe Drew Misham's lifestyle--he never left his house, and only communicated with the outside world through snail mail.

Einfluss - influence
Was used to describe the "influence" of Drew's lifestyle over his daughter, Vera.

Röntgen - X ray
I saw this twice, and figured it out the second time I saw it--the first time was to describe some documents in a safe relating to Wocky's operation (which was signed by his "girlfriend", Alita). The second time, it was the device Ema was using to examine the documents sealed inside envelopes, and to see sketches underneath paintings (and that usage made it rather obvious).

Thursday, June 10, 2010

June 10, 2010

The following have been deduced from Spiegel articles.

"Wenn man Prostatatumoren untersucht, muss man natürlich mit Männchen arbeiten, bei Eierstocktumoren mit Weibchen."

Prostatatumor(en) - prostate tumor
Eierstocktumor(en) - ovary tumor. I think.

"If one examines prostate tumors, he must of course work with males, as one does ovary tumors with females."

"Islamischer Gelehrter will Weihnachten verbieten"

verbieten - to condemn, forbid, ban

Now it could mean that Islam teachers want to allow Christmas, but under the context of this quote in the article, "Kirchen dürfen keine Kreuze mehr tragen. Kirchenglocken dürfen auch nicht mehr läuten." for "Churches may no longer carry crosses. Church bells may no longer ring.", I think it's fairly clear what the context is.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

March 7, 2010

The following have been deduced from Erzälte Zeit, Die Kinder des Grals and various other unknown sources.

Over the course of several months, I have found these words, and just wrote them down. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to take the screenshots or the exact sentence they came from.

Gering - slight(ly)
Entwickeln - to create, Devise, conjure
Arbeitgeber - employer
dringend - desperate(ly)
Moench - Monk
Patronen - ammunition
Angebot - offer
Pfennig - penny
Muehe - effort
Haeretisch - heretic (noun?)
das Kreuzzeichen machen - to make a cross sign
wie wenig (viel) auch immer - however little (great) (0 position)
die Stille - silence
die Furzwolke - fart cloud
ebenso - equally so
die Unebenheit (-en) - uneveness
die Rasierwasserduefte - after shave
unterdruecken - to supress (aus Lateinisch)
Ausdrueck - expression (aus Lateinisch; abstract usage also)
(all from druecken - to press/print)
wohlvorbereit - well-prepared
die Tatsache - fact
tatsachlich - "factually"; actually
weich - soft
die Witwe - widow
lustig - merry
spitz - spiky
subtil - subtle
winken - to beckon
lenken - to steer
nicken - to nod
die Braut - bride
die koechin - cook (f)
die Itsche - toad (Kroete)
nimmermehr - no more, never
der Gesichtsschutz - face guard, visor
weswegen -à on what account
ankommen - to overcome
Wahrsager - prophet
flackern - to flicker
Augenhoehle - eye socket
wagen - to wage, bet, dare
zwecklos - pointless
wog - to weigh (simple past tense; possibly of wagen)
die Schenkel - torso
die Oberschenkel - upper torso
idiomatisch - idiomatic
Orden - badge, emblem, crest
half - helped (simple past tense)
geholfen - helped (past participle)
unvermeidlich - unavoidable
die Handbremse - handshake? possibly from bremsen - to shake
der Nack(e) - neck
Widerspruch - contradiction
zIttern - to shake
der Kühlschrank - fridge
der? Pudel - poodle
die Aschenbecher - ash tray
(die) Baustellenbereich - construction Zone
die Bereich - Zone (probably)
ersuchen - to implore
buchstabieren - to spell
der Beifahrer - passenger
die Beifahrtur - passenger door
der Beifahrersitz - passenger seat
(die) Gänsehaut - wrinkly skin (eg, from staying in water too long) (probably)
ziemlich - rather, really, very
erwähnen - to mention
beeindruckend - impressive

I have also figured out the forms for adding adjectives to a noun. This was rather tedious; I had to watch the endings of every adjective followed by a verb. Most of it came from Erzälte Zeit. There are probably irregular words though, and I think the participles may be different.

Adj construction
(nom, acc, dat, gen)
-e, -en, -en, -en

-er, -en, -en, -en

(no article)
-er, -en, -em, -en

-e,-e, -en, -en

-e, -e, -en, -en

(no article)
-e, -e, -er, -en

-e, -e, -en, -en,

-es, -es, -en, -en

(no article)
-es, -es, -em, -en

-en, -en, -en, -en

-e, -e, -en, -en

(no article)
-e, -e, -er, -en

I am almost certain that "weder" is neither. To use it, write "weder", then the first item, and then the second after "noch" (equivalent to using "nor"). 

For example,

Weder der Lehrer noch der Student kennt die Antwort.

Neither the teacher nor the student knows the answer.

I have also seen this construction several times, but it goes something like Je...desto, which is like saying "the more [phrase], the more [phrase]."

For example,

Je mehr man denkt darüber, desto mehr weiß er.

The more one thinks about it, the more he knows.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 5, 2010

Okay, I really, really have to write this one because it's funny. I am reading Die Kinder der Gral (kindly loaned to me by the Alpen Club), and there is a funny word I found--it helped that I found a similar word to it previously. The word came from a flash game online, and it was "Furzkissen" for whoopee-cushion (Furz + Kissen; Furz = fart, Kissen = pillow). If that wasn't funny enough, I found Furzwolke (and we previously found wolke, which makes that a fart cloud.) The context was an irritation that lingers like a fart cloud. I'll try to get the original sentence when I get home.

EDIT: It says, "Der Erzbischof verließ den Platz, sein Ärger hing ihm nach wie eine Furzwolke." For "The archbishop left the place, his annoyance hung after him like a fart cloud."