So, maybe that says "But would it be great..." Well, I know those "bombs" are supposed to detonate at will, but I can't say I know what the German equivalent, "Fernzünder" is really. Idiomatically, they may be the same, but I'd like to know what that is. Perhaps I'll find its roots through other examples before this though. I am thinking of "Fern" and "zünder".
Does tauschen mean to switch? This example makes it more obvious--I'll find some more examples.

"Volle" = full (It says "You must have full energy.")

I saw this one before too.
"Your heart count increased and your energy is filled again!"

Okay, I've seen this word enough times. Abenteurer = adventurer
(I believe that says something like "Many tips for adventurers! For the special price of only 200 rupees!")

Could that "Bestellung" be related to a word for sale? I also saw the verb, bestellen, (see screens below) but "kaufen" means to buy. I don't know if this is just a synonym or it has a special usage for books.

"Shortcut to the foot of the mountain" (It says "Base" in English, but this means that "foot" is used in German for a similar manner, and "Abkürzung" is shortcut.)

It seems "hängt" in this context means "depends"--I saw Vorstellungskraft before this, which said it was required.

getrennt = apart (probably)

Oh, an interesting word: exzentrisch = eccentric (and another example with "wäre")
"Magnus is eccentric (I don't know what ziemlich is...). How was it when you trained with him?"

But now we see "ziemlich" again--could this be "rather" or "quite"?
"So, Link? Quite dark, isn't it? (Is finster a synonym of "dunkel"? I may have seen an instance of this before...)

Frucht = fruit
"Is the fruit that you ate, to understand the Minish the Laberbirne?" (Laber is not the German word for chatter.)

Mantel = mantle, cloak, etc.
"Does the recent king of Hyrule, Dartus, have a white cloak?"
(Oh wow, I got all those questions right on the first try...There was a question on how many mountain minish there were--I actually didn't remember exactly how many there were, but got it right anyways; it was a yes/no question.)

Krähe = crow
"This crow! It has the graveyard key!"

I sort of knew this, but when you say someone or something relies on you (or a person, I guess), the construction is that it "lies in your hand".
"The fate of the entire Hyrule lies in your hands, kid..."

Oben = up (I asked about this before, and I guess this is the meaning. The sign says up because it's the correct direction in this dark forest.)

Schwester = sister (I was looking for this for the longest time ever...)

Wolken = clouds (the singular is "Wolke")
Lüge = lie (I may have seen this before too...)

I know that's supposed to say the same as the beginning...But besides the Wie being "like", I'm afraid I don't know how that works.

And that one says same as two before (where's the "zwei" I'm looking for? Perhaps "vorletzten" simply means before the last--then what's "Schild"? Is it a sign? I thought "Schild" was a shield from the other Zelda...)

Dach = top
"At the top is a whirlwind. With it, you will arrive at the Palace of Wind."

robuste = robust; strong
"This is a very strong wall. Let us wait for more friends to come..." (that was idiomatic; I don't know how the grammar quite works in that last sentence.)

Schmetterling is probably a butterfly.
"A luck butterfly! Now you can dig faster than before!" (graben = to dig; I had to experiment with this for awhile until I figured out which one this one was; there were three luck butterflies.)

"The wind-element has 'bestowed' the power that carries seeds and brings fruit."
(I think Samen is seeds.)

"...and then let it go to fire a beam,..." (I think Strahl is a beam.)

"This hero drove out the darkness with his wisdom and courage." (Where I learn "vertrieb" is some verb like drive out, Weisheit is wisdom and Tapferkeit is courage.)

The more I see this, the more I think "brachte" is the past tense of "bring". As in "brought".

This actually confirms two things for me: that Grausamkeit is cruelty (ie, grausam is cruel) and Grenzen is limit (ie, grenzenlose is limitless. Not sure about the plural bit though...).
"His cruelty knows no limits!"

"We were changed into stone by Vaati one by one!"
(Would the "einer" indicate "one by one"? That's what I think...I'll find more examples.)

"Ah! Link! It is terrible!" (I forgot to mention how often I've seen schrecklich...only to finally admit that it is, indeed, "terrible".)

"Link! You have the holy sword. You are our only hope!" (So, we already know "hoffen" is to hope, but "Hoffnung" is the noun, hope.) (And his cloak isn't white. Yes, that's the king.)

"Swing the sword at the highest point of the jump!"
(Two things: zücke is swing and Sprung is jump, the noun.)

"But it doesn't go kaput easily..." (and now we know where that word comes from.)
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