"Hopefully, it won't fly in the air again." (Probably an idiomatic way of saying something blowing up.)

Jahrhunderts = "century" (that says one hundred years literally)

Erfindungen = invention

Rückseite = "backside" (since "seit" is side) (And then I think that perhaps zurück also has "Rück" as a root, since their meanings are similar.)

I guess "Puppe" is cutie. I figured it would look more like "hübsch".
I have seen two words so far that seem to indicate a switch or a lever (I guess German is more specific about that), but "Schalter" is switch (ie, a button or something small) and "Hebel" is lever.

"The queen awaits you up in her room." (where I learn that "Gemach" is also room.)

I originally thought weg was the word for "way", but as an adjective, it would be "away" or "gone". As shown above.

"As far as I know, someone should have rescued her. But history was changed!" (I originally thought of "weit" as wide, but it could mean far.)

"We want nothing (other) than world peace... or a graveyard-world, heehee..." (wollen is to want, and I know "Welt" is world, and "Friedhof" is a graveyard; put that together, and it probably means a graveyard the size of the world; the land of the dead. I believe they wrote it like that as a play on the word "Weltfrieden". Frieden is probably peace then.)

And another one that uses "wollen" as I thought: "Good, as you wish. I'll rescue the queen." (you could say "want" in place of "wish", but "wish" just sounds better in English. Same meaning though.)

"Burp! The new ones don't taste bad. And the caught soldiers seem fat and juicy..." (fett = fat, schmeckten = to taste; I saw that one several times already, but I guess I'll concede with this definition now. Saft = juicy. I originally thought it was "soft", but a different example later made it clear that it's juicy. I didn't get the chance to take a screenshot of it though. )

"No false modesty! You are really amazing! I would immediately switch my royal ancestry for your genius!" (I think that's what it says... but I'm sure Bescheidenheit is modesty and tauschen is to switch.)

I neglected to mention that "schuldig" is guilty--apparently, this is one of the root words in Entschuldige, the word for an apology.

"He was found guilty, and you must now fulfill his verdict." (where I learn "Urteil" is verdict, so the previous screen says "The verdict 'is'...not guilty!" What a dirty liar that Kanzler is...)

"Seed? But can something grow in a place like this?" (Another example where Samen is seed.)

"Probably, because we are healthy!" (so, gesund is healthy, as in "gesundheit" and wahrscheinlich is probably, the root from which wahrscheinlichkeit for probability comes from. Well, there were several other instances of wahrscheinlich, but I wanted to see it several times more before conceding that definition. This sentence also confirms what I think of "weil".)

"Kuppel" is apparently masculine, since it is preceded by "der"--then I noticed that there are three forms of "zu": the adverb used with verbs or by itself to mean "too" (not also "too" but as a comparative; eg, too much), and "zum" and "zur", as in "to (insert place name)"--I saw Protokuppel appear after "zur", so I claim that you use "zur" for masculine nouns, and "zum" either for neuter or feminine--I will find examples to confirm this.
Raum = space (I originally thought this was "room", but perhaps it could be either.)

Brille = glasses
uhrzeigersinn = clockwise ("clock" + "pointer" + "sinn"; I have forgotten what "sinn" is...)
Feinden = enemies ("fiend" root for English)

"You don't understand something so simple. That's why you are human." (Yes! I've finally had an idea of what deshalb might possibly mean! Well, I think it goes something like "That's why..." or "For that reason...")

"Two become one..." (Please, please, tell me that "werden" isn't become...That short line in the English version wasn't difficult to remember.)
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