(The following have been deduced from Grimms Märchen I and Phoenix Wright: Justice for All.)
(From Marienkind)
Im Herbst sammelte es die herabgefallenen Nüsse und Blätter und trug sie in die Höhle, ...
...She collected the fallen nuts and leaves and carried them in the cave... (Here, we see herabgefallenen used as a past participle. At least that's what I think. Blätter is the plural form of Blatt for a leaf. I don't quite know what the first part says though.)
Der König nahm es auf seinen Arm, trug es auf sein Pferd und ritt mit ihm heim, und als er auf das Königliche Schloß kam, ließ er ihm schöne Kleider anziehen und gab ihm alles im Überfluß.
The king took her by her arm, carried her on his horse and rode with her home, and as he came to the royal castle, he let her wear beautiful clothes and gave her all "he had." (Not so sure about that last bit there. But ritten = to ride; this would probably be related to Ritter for knight; or more literally, a horse rider.)
(From Märchen von einem, der auszog, das Fürchten zu lernen)
Darauf läufete er die Glocke, ging heim, legt sich, ohne ein Wort zusagen, ins Bett und fort schlief.
...He rang the bell, went home, "lay down", without saying a word, went to bed and slept. (I don't really know what "legt sich" and that first word are. But I think ging is some past tense form of gehen.)

"Foolish fool, who foolishly dreams foolish dreams..." (That's her famous "foolish fool..." line. I believe that's good practice for grammar. So traumen = to dream, and it's a vowel changing verb, and Träume is the plural of Traum, which works like it does with Baum, and kopf is masculine, since "Dummer" ends in -er; then "dumme" ends in -e, so it might be used with a plural noun.)

"Your honor. You can now swing your little gavel." (There were some words I didn't know in there... and Hämmerchen = little hammer or gavel; I believe my professor wanted one of those.)

"There is no reason for foolish cries from a foolish fool." (Haha... I have often seen Grund used to mean a basis in the sense of a reason.)

"Oh how a foolish fool makes foolish faces, while he dreams foolishly." (Gesichter is plural for Gesichte for face (now I can't remember if that e was supposed to be there or not), but it's preceded by "dumme"; it probably is because nouns that end in "er" are rarely ever feminine.)

"There is no such prosecutor. They are all the same." (Staatsanwalt is a prosecutor, but it's just Staats + Anwalt; I guess Staats is the opposite of Verteidigung for defense, and Anwalt is a lawyer. But solche = such.)