"It seems as if you have found the real basis for the murder!" (the "sieht so aus, als..." construction means "seems as if..." I've seen it a lot, but I think that's what it amounts to.)
Unfall = "accident"
I've seen it enough times, so I suppose je- could be added to lots of words like the definite article der.
Schwanz = tail

"My leg is stuck." (I don't know what fest is. But Bein = leg)

"How the devil should I know that? Do I seem like a mind reader?" ("zum Teufel" is an expression for "how/what the devil..." although "zum" seems to indicate "to the devil" (I just used a more idiomatic expression) and Gedankenleser = mind reader; Gedanken (thoughts) + Leser (reader))

"psst...whisper...whisper...(The first reactor that we have blown up was in the north sector.)" ("Luft jagen" literally means to chase air, but I think it may be used idiomatically to mean to blow up.)

einschalten = to switch on; ein + schalten (this complements the ausschalten I've been seeing in the menu of my Mac in German; that's simply aus + schalten, to switch off. In English, we simply say "shut down".)
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